Club Rules

These are the current club rules which members are to follow. 

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Club Rules 2024 Edition

  1. The club shall be known as the “Barnard Castle Angling Club
  2. Full membership is confined to residents of Barnard Castle and outlying villages within a 5 mile radius
  3. Only full members may vote at the A.G.M.
  4. Associate members to be allowed to fish all club waters, but this concession could be taken away at the discretion of the committee.
  5. The committee, elected at the A.G.M. by full members shall consist of a President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer plus a maximum of ten full members plus two Honorary members.
  6. All committee members shall be appointed Honorary Water Bailiffs of the club.
  7. The committee are empowered to increase the membership fees to meet any emergency expenditure.
  8. The following will be entitled to Honorary Membership of the club:
  9. Any member of 65 years of age or over, upon completion of Ten consecutive years of membership
  10. Any member of 65 years or over who has been a member of the club for a total of 20 years.
  11. Any associate member 65 years or over who have been a member of the club for a total of 25 years.
  12. Any person wishing to apply for honorary membership must apply to the secretary in writing.
  13. Visitors’ tickets are obtainable, 10 day tickets all year round.
  14. A member must produce their Membership Card and appropriate River Authority Licence when called upon to do so by an Agent or Servant of the Riparian Owner or by any Water Bailiff or Constable.
  15. When fishing a member MUST NOT be accompanied by a dog, carry a gun or do any damage to grass, crops, trees etc. They must keep as near to the river bank as possible.
  16. Fishing to be allowed during the hours of darkness for migratory fish, fly only.
  17. The weighing of Salmon is to cease. All migratory fish are now to logged with these details: A measurement, location (where it was caught), by what method (worm/fly/spinning) and photos if possible. These details are to be passed on to either the Secretary, Chairman or the Bailiff and you must produce the relevant EA Licence. Any trout caught can be either measured or weighed in with the officials listed above. Members please note:
  18. All Hen fish and Coloured fish are to be released
  19. Only ONE Cock Salmon is permitted to be kept per season.
  20. Any person fishing for migratory fish without the appropriate licence are open to prosecution.
  21. No Spinning for migratory fish on Lartington Water, the fishing method for this water for migratory fish is to be fly only using a barbless /debarbed hook.
  22. No maggot or ground baiting on Lartington water.  Maggot and ground baiting is allowed on club owned water only from 01st October to 16th March. All other natural baits are allowed. All trout caught must be returned undamaged.
  23. A member must not fish within three yards of another member without that member’s permission.
  24. A member must not take or kill more than 4 sizable fish (Trout) in one day.
  25. Fishing for migratory fish and Grayling is allowed on Col Watson’s water during October.
  26. Grayling fishing to be allowed during the coarse season (1st October to 16th March inclusive), fishing with fly or worm, using a float and barbless / debarbed hook.
  27. No fishing within 25 yards above or 100 yards below Warren’s Dam after 31st August.
  28. Size Limits: River Tees, nine inches; River Greta, seven inches.
  29. An efficient disgorger must be carried when fishing.
  30. Any member who breaks any of the club rules, or who is guilty of un-gentlemanly conduct, is liable to suspension or dismissal from the club at the discretion of the committee. Before any such action is taken the offending member has the right to appear before the committee if he or she so wishes.
  31. Club rules may only be amended to or added to by a majority on a vote at the A.G.M.
  32. Any proposal for amendment of the rules must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the A.G.M.
  33. Spinning for brown trout is strictly illegal and any member found breaking this rule will be instantly dismissed from the club.
  34. Fishing for brown trout will be from 22nd March to the 30th September inclusive.
  35. All members, juniors (age of 16 and over) must be in possession of a current EA licence

    1) The club will not accept responsibility for injury, damage a loss of property.
    2) Members please note that you must use Barbleess / Debarbed ONLY for all types of fishing methods at all times.
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